So I’ve neglected the cute, meaningful or outlandish things that the kids say. And I need to catch up, or they will just vanish into the ether.
1. Christiane (age 4) in the car on the way to school saying, “So Mommy, was the world in God’s tummy?” Creationism.
2. Constantine (age 4) in Angela’s class, when one student was making a birthday card for his mom, another asked him how old she’d be, and the kid thought and said, “Seven.” But then Constantine burst in, “No! She couldn’t be seven! That’s impossible!” And they all tried to figure it out.
3. Our kids wanting to know what their names would have been had they been born the opposite sex. Petros or Theodore would have been Laura. Then Christiane would have been Alexandros. If she were, then Clea-Noelle would have been Philippos. And we decided that for Constantine — Princess Jasmine.
5. Clea-Noelle (2.5) telling everyone that they can only have one bessert, not two besserts after dinner.
6. Theodore (seven) after his birthday party saying that it was the worst day ever because he had to wait an entire year for his next birthday party.
7. At McDonald’s drive-thru getting two vanilla cones (me and T) and one (plain) Sundae for Petros. The plain was just soft vanilla ice cream in a plastic cup, and that was it. Nothing. How is this a Sundae? Petros laughed it off and screamed to the people going in not get duped into ordering what he just had.