The Horse Show at Folly Farms: Sunday, December 9, 2012.
Petros, Theodore, Christiane and Constantine participants. Visiting us: Yorgos Nathaniel from both Athens, Greece and sunny Florida.
Christiane helped to prepare Cocoa Puff (featured behind her below).
Christiane got all chatty during the show, her and Constantine’s category: Lead Line. We knew the second she got chatty, she was not getting first place…
Christiane got second place, which she did not want. She exclaimed, I don’t want second place! And nearly threw her red ribbon. But red is her favorite color, and the ribbon is very nice…
Then it was Constantine’s turn on Nicky. The horse that is so old and slow, I always feel sorry that he has to even move.
He too got a red ribbon. He did great, and did not chat at all. (The President).
Then it was Theodore’s turn for Walk/Trot. (They sometimes canter!) He was with two girls, both older, both seemingly better than he… They competed in Walk/Trot, then easy “Jumping” — going over poles lying flat in the dirt…
Simon (not Theodore’s usual horse) was not into being led around that morning. He broke free, with Theodore calmly on top. I think this added to his doing well that day. He got second place in both categories. Two more Red ribbons for a total of four!
(First place somehow this year came not only with a blue ribbon, but with a trophy as well. Which is hard Not to get…)
Then it was Petros’s turn. But his opponent was a no show that day. So… he went through all the steps in both categories on his favorite horse, Carlos, and…
Won! Two trophies, two blue ribbons! One of the trophies he agreed to share with Christiane, to her utter delight.
Lesson learned: when your opponent is a no show — you win just for being there!
Then we went for lunch at Plan B Burger in Simsbury, with our friend Yorgos Nathaniel, and had a very celebratory lunch.