So, it’s cold. January and 4 degrees this morning. Trying to be more at ease, relaxed as I face and move through the day.
Some things I am liking right now: Live with Kelly and Michael (still!), Girls (watched all of season 1 on download), running/jogging (depending on my pace). Being with the kids — Clea-Noelle being so loving. Constantine coming out of his shell. He really believes he will be president one day. If it happens I can write the book on brainwashing. Theodore having the perfect smile (his very own dentist told me!) No cavities at all here. We have our pre school routine down so well that we have literal minutes now to spare.
What could go currently: Dinner. Bored making dinner. It could all happen and be eaten and cleaned up while I’m taking a bubble bath and watching Downton Abbey on my iPad. But, no. (I always thought that dinner was so superfluous, I mean you’d eaten all day long. Just have a candy bar and call it a night.) Some friends of ours having relationship trouble, and it being sad, (though feeling secretly smug that at the moment we are ok). Waterskiing — it hurts my back a bit and I feel the opposite of limber. I get all tight and muscle-y — yuck. (My New York number for years was: YUCKO-123. Brilliant I figured that out.) January in between. Not quite living the life I would personally sing about. Doing, getting done, a drag or lag. I dunno. Maybe January blahs. Not full-out lie on the couch and don’t bathe for days, but some low-pitched bleh.
Grateful for: sunshine (not snow!). A warm cushy bed. Getting to bed at a reasonable hour each night. Health. Food (even if I don’t want to whip it all into something called: dinner.) Legs (that do run). Hair (that’s not gray!). Teeth, that are all still inside my mouth.