On Mondays with Marlo, Marlo Thomas speaks with Arianna Huffington. This along with so many of her interviews are informative, fun, inspiring. They just make you feel good, actually. I also like her talks with Deepak Chopra (notice his flashy glasses). As well as Dr. Oz, Brooke Shields, Dr. Nancy Snyderman… It’s calming, right before bed, like reading an article that has come to life on my iPad.
Here: trying to get good sleep every night. Meditating — again. Being calm, on top of what I can be on top of, and letting other stuff take care of itself, or wait. Getting stronger, i.e. doing weights. I used to say, Why lift weights? They’re so heavy! But, ya. Balance, or not. But at the end of the day at least the past ten days should incorporate a large chunk of what I find integral to leading a me-centric life, as in it reflects my core beliefs, values, needs. And the needs of those who actually do currently need me!
Who knows. I have not bought a gift for my dear friend Kiki, with whom I exchange gifts every year, since we were about seven. I did find the perfect thing, but they were sold out, but I may try try again. It’s March 12. Her birthday is March 5. It’s not like me to be late, but I don’t want to send just anything. This is actually important to me.
It’s raining, melting away the (remainder we hope) of snow. Too much this year. Too much winter, over-filling our cups. But next week is literally spring (March 20). Thank God.