So, in time, we do get to things. Eventually. The baby, soon to be 2.5, more time, space, more ME all around it seems. Even Fotis said that I don’t have to knock myself out to be some advancing waterskier, I can just ski without pressure, enjoy it, (and not get hurt!) Amen to that. So, here in Florida on a waterski trip with the boys, I have happily jogged over 5 miles twice, but nary a ski set. Yet. Because once someone tells you you don’t have to do something, guess what? You kind of want to!
I watched Marlo Thomas interview Martha Stewart last night. Highly (insanely as if she were four CEO-ish people) capable!! But I have had (organically, not to use any sort of pun here) been navigating my way toward feeding our family more healthy fare. I used to feel pressured, but I don’t like when I slack and we consume too much starch. Nor do they even like this. I see in Greece how they embrace fish, chicken, salads, fruit, etc. I see how it pleases them. And me. And us, as this does matter to Fotis. No one wants to be a nag. And I see how he has stepped away from nagging me about most things. I still need to settle down I guess when he encourages the boys to wrestle, but ya. Sure. I get it. And sans the nag — at all! — I want to do it. The clearing or space that exists when no one is demanding anything from you can really make one feel expansive, large of heart, open to the possibility of taking on a new task, of one’s own design, accord and in alliance with your soul. Not to get too crazy. But if it organically derives from you, it’s your idea basically, why sure — you’re in.
If anyone has any recipes to share, mostly for dinners, I would eat them all up (get it?!)! I want to obtain the perfect Lentil Soup recipe, a perfect chicken, and some fish and other such dishes and any which include vegetables, are not fried, and are EASY enough for the less skilled amongst us to figure out.
Have a good day.